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Content Suite: Videos

Technology has made video creation so simple almost anyone can do it. Here’s how. If you’ve seen any of my content before, you’ll know I’m a big fan of the content suite; the idea of sharing your business message in multiple formats across a range of platforms. Primarily we’re talking about text, images, and videos, and how to use these to generate business.  Perhaps the scariest part of the content suite for people to understand is videos, but that doesn’t need to be the case.  There was a time when videographers were well paid and highly sought-after. While they do still have a...

The Content Suite

"Effective marketing can make it seem like you’re everywhere" When you run a small business your time is usually spent doing whatever it is you do well, and any spare time goes into actually making the business run. Marketing is often the last thing on your mind, and seeing how many platforms and options are available to you to spread your message can be overwhelming.  You probably see slick videos on social media, blogs on websites, and photos, infographics and gorgeous images across various platforms. It’s tempting to think it’s all too hard, but with a little organisation and effort, you too...